The Grand Prize remains unclaimed.
The official 2024 Technical Report.
All scores & papers below are open source & reproducible.
"Combining Induction and Transduction for Abstract Reasoning".
Li et al.
"The Surprising Effectiveness of Test-Time Training for Abstract Reasoning".
Akyürek et al.
"Searching Latent Program Spaces".
Bonnet & Macfarlane
"The LLM ARChitect: Solving ARC-AGI Is a Matter of Perspective".
Franzen et al.
"Mini-ARC: Solving Abstraction and Reasoning Puzzles with Small Transformer Models".
"Towards Efficient Neurally-Guided Program Induction for ARC-AGI".
We aspire to grow ARC Prize from its experimental origins into a durable north star for AGI.
The 2025 edition of the competition will account for a diversity of incentives to serve academics, independent researchers, startups, and big labs.
Alongside the competition launch, expect to see ARC-AGI-2 - same format, better benchmark.
We'll announce more competition details early next year. Stay tuned!